Kick Butt Slang

This page is the type of slang that I and a few select people use.
If you use these words (you people in Clinton) then you know
where they came from, Landon and I.

Kick butt slang

  • busta - (pn) a not so cool person.
  • cheese - (?) this is a word that can be used for anything just like smurf.
  • crappytohard - (adj) something that is crappy.
  • crust - (v) to skate slow.
  • cruster - (n) somone that skates slow.
  • flat - (adj) a slow ramp.
  • josta - (n) a cool person.
  • kick - (v) to go some where.
  • kickin' - (adj) something that is cool.
  • kickin' it - (v) just chillin'.
  • retard - (n) someone that is a retard.
  • shimmer - (v) to drink right out of the container.
  • snake - (v) to steal sombody's run in skating.
  • toasta - (n) the root of all laughter.
  • turd ghosta - (n) something you say in the middle of the night.
  • twizzim - (adj) something very stupid.


Please send me some of your home town slang
and see if it makes it to my crappy website.