The Jason Files

The turth is in there.

This is my bio. It tells you stuff about me. Why do you want to
know these things?. . . . well, I seriously doubt that you do but I'm
going to tell you anyhow. The only way to escape from this
horror is to press back NOW! For those of you still here let's proceed.

My stats

AH! Crap on this. I don't feel like telling you crappy stuff about me.
Have a seat on the floor, little ones, and I shall tell you a story.

This is the story of Jasper the friendly Jedi.

Jasper the friendly Jedi was a very friendly Jedi. He liked being
everyone's friend. But what he didn't know is that everyone
thought that Jasper was really aggravating and no one really
liked him. So one day while he was being friendly to this girl
she said, "I'm sorry Jasper but please leave me alone for just
a few minutes or maybe the rest of my life." So Jasper went
home and became a couch potato.

Yeah wasn't that a great story. Alright children.
You heard your story. Now it's time to go to sleep. Good night.